- Financial report
- Weekly events
- Milestone meeting
- geek trivia
- aabhii taneja
- Karl Meyer-Cuthbert
- Jordan Supramaniam
- Matthew Henry
Meeting Start: 3:05 pm
- Financial report
no changes
- weekly events
16th friday IRL 10.
23rd friday IRL 15.
LAN total 20.
warhamer 12.
- Milestone meeting
book events ealry.
can advertise large events through activate.
ask for space during activate events asap.
make a list of storage locations.
forward last years stocktake to andrew.
- geek trivia (preliminary)
6th of august.
clubs to run (5 max): GG, anime, playmakers, cyber soc, puzzle soc. (film apreciation)
clubs to participate: cat soc, math soc, majong, Lit soc, tech soc.
Meeting End: 3:38