- Financial report
- weekly events
- geek trivia
- secretary resignation
- aabhii taneja
- karl myer-cubert
- Jordan Supramaniam
- Matthew Henry
Meeting Start: 3:05 pm
- Financial report.
no change
- Weekly events.
covid canceled events.
- geektrivia.
new date of the 24th of September with a backup on the 23rd of september
Adecision is to be made on the 7th for if its in person or online.
- leadership training deadline soon
The secretary, tresurer and president must complete this before the due date.
- secretary resignation
At the conculsion of this meeting jordan supramaniam resigns as secretary for the gamers guild.
A document detailing current responsibilities shall be distributed to the exec before 30/7/2021.
Meeting End: 3:19pm.