The Gamers Guild Constitution

    1. Name
    2. Interpretation
    3. Objectives
    1. Calling and Notice of General Meetings
    2. Quorum of a General Meeting
    3. Chairperson
    4. Adjournments
    5. Voting
    6. Special General Meetings
    1. Appointment of the Committee
    2. Ceasing to be an Executive
    3. Duties of the Committee Members
    4. Committee Meetings
    1. Non-Executive Officers
    2. Lieutenants
    3. Specialists
    1. Members
    1. Finance
    1. Rules and Regulations
    2. Disciplining of a Member
    1. Constitutional Changes
    1. De-affiliation
    2. Dissolution


    1. Name
      1. The name of the Club is The Gamers Guild.
    2. Interpretation
      1. In this constitution, unless indicated to the contrary, the following terms shall mean:
        1. Club: The Gamers Guild.
        2. Guild: The Gamers Guild.
        3. Activate: ActivateUTS.
        4. University: The University of Technology, Sydney.
        5. Student: A registered student of the University of Technology, Sydney.
        6. Member: A registered, financial member who has undergone induction into The Gamers Guild.
        7. Trustee: The President, Treasurer or Secretary of The Gamers Guild.
        8. Committee: The President, Secretary, Treasurer, Events Master and Producer.
        9. Executive: A member of the Committee.
        10. Induction: The compulsory process by which potential members are granted the right to attend Guild events and Meetings.
        11. Rules and Regulations: Those rules and regulations governing the smooth running of The Gamers Guild, as writ in section 18.
    3. Objectives
      1. The objectives of the Guild shall be to:
        1. Encourage, foster, promote and develop interest in the fields of electronic and tabletop gaming within the University and the community at large.
        2. Become affiliated with ActivateUTS.
        3. Subscribe to, become a member of, amalgamate and/or cooperate with any other organisation(s) whose objectives are altogether or in part, similar to those of the club.
        4. Function as a non-profit organisation.
    1. Calling and Notice of General Meetings
      1. Any Executive of the Club shall call a General Meeting upon:
        1. The resolution of the Committee to call a General Meeting; or
        2. Receipt, by the Secretary, of an application for such a meeting in writing by the lower of either any ten (10) financial members, or ten percent (10%) of the total financial members of that year.
      2. Notice of General Meetings shall be served via email to all financial members who have provided an email address to the Guild at least twenty-eight (28) days before the date of any such meeting.
        1. Notice of a General Meeting requested by financial members must be served within twenty-one (21) days of receipt, by the Secretary, of such a request.
      3. Notice of a General Meeting of the Club’s members must:
        1. Set out the place, date and time for the meeting.
        2. State the general nature of the business.
        3. State either the agenda, or intent to provide notice of proposed agenda at least fourteen (14) days before the date of the meeting.
        4. State either the method of voting, or intent to provide notice of proposed method alongside the agenda.
        5. If telepresence is allowed, state the means to attend.
      4. An Annual General Meeting convened for the purpose of electing a new Executive Committee for the following calendar year shall be held within the month of October each year.
      5. Members may be allowed to attend a General Meeting by telepresence under exceptional circumstances, at the sole discretion of the committee.
        1. Members attending by telepresence are considered present only after their identity is verified.
    2. Quorum of a General Meeting
      1. Quorums at General Meetings shall be five (5) members. Quorum must be met before business can be conducted.
        1. If half an hour passes after the announced start time of a given meeting and quorum has not been achieved, the meeting shall be adjourned to a later date and time specified by the Committee.
        2. If no quorum is present at the commencement of the resumed meeting, the meeting shall be dissolved, unless it was convened for the purpose of electing a new Executive Committee, in which case it shall be adjourned again until resolved.
    3. Chairperson
      1. The President shall serve as the Chairperson and preside at all meetings at which they are present.
        1. In the absence of the President, the Committee members present shall appoint a Chairperson for that meeting.
      2. The Chairperson shall abstain from voting, except to break ties with a casting vote.
    4. Adjournments
      1. The Chairperson must adjourn a General Meeting if the members present with a majority of votes at the General Meeting agree or direct that the Chairperson must do so.
      2. Only unfinished business is to be transacted at a General Meeting resumed after an adjournment.
      3. When a General Meeting is adjourned, a new notice of the resumed General Meeting must be given if the General Meeting is adjourned for one (1) month or more.
    5. Voting
      1. At a General Meeting, each member present holds exactly one (1) vote.
      2. Members may not vote by proxy.
    6. Special General Meetings
      1. Special General Meetings shall be called for:
        1. The resolution of proposed constitutional changes.
        2. The removal of a Committee member.
        3. Any emergency threatening dissolution of the Club.
        4. The election of a new Committee Member.
      2. Notice of all Special General Meetings shall be served via email to all financial members who have provided an email address to the Guild at least fourteen (14) days before the date of such meeting.
        1. Notice of the agenda and voting process shall be served to every member via email at least seven (7) days before the date of such meeting.
      3. Quorums at Special General Meetings shall be the lower of either ten (10) members, or ten percent (10%) of the total financial members of that year.
      4. In the case of an emergency threatening dissolution of the club, a Special General Meeting may be convened within the timeframe available to resolve the emergency.
    1. Appointment of the Committee
      1. Provided a member has consented to be appointed as an executive of the club and is a current UTS student or staff member and the position is vacant, then the club may appoint that member as an executive by resolution of a General Meeting convened for the purpose of appointing the executive. If at any point an executive ceases to be a UTS student or staff member, they must resign.
        1. Any and all applications to be appointed as an executive of the club require seconding from another member of the club.
      2. Executives appointed before the Annual General Meeting in a given year serve immediately until December 31st of that year, and any executives appointed at or after the Annual General Meeting do not fill the position immediately, and only serve for the following year from January 1st until December 31st.
      3. Should any Executive be absent or ill, or neglect or refuse to do anything required to be done by them under these rules, the Committee may appoint any member of the Committee to act in their stead.
    2. Ceasing to be an Executive
      1. Appointed Executives step down from their positions at the end of the calendar year, allowing the new committee to serve beginning January 1st.
      2. In the case that a Committee Member is considered to not be performing their duties, a Special General Meeting can be called for the purposes of removing them from the Committee.
        1. The Committee must convene a Committee Meeting at least seven (7) days prior to the Special General Meeting, for the purposes of discussing the concerns.
        2. A resolution to remove a Committee member at a Special General Meeting must be passed by three-fourths of those voting and shall not be considered unless the Committee member concerned has been given written notice detailing the nature of the concerns, at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Committee meeting at which the resolution is be considered.
        3. A Committee member facing discipline proceedings shall be entitled to attend the Committee meeting at which the resolution is to be considered or may submit a written statement to be tabled at the meeting in answer to the charge.
        4. If the Special General Meeting resolves to remove the Committee Member, the member shall cease to be a member of the Committee from the date of resolution. The removed Committee Member will be given written notice as to the Special General Meeting’s decision.
        5. The Committee must convene a Committee Meeting within at least seven (7) days of the Committee Member stepping down or being removed, for the purposes of electing a new Committee Member.
      3. Any member of the Committee may voluntarily resign their position by lodging written notice of such resignation with the Secretary (or the currently acting Chairperson, in the case of the Secretary’s resignation).
      4. Executives must be members of the club, so an Executive ceasing to be a member will also cause them to step down from their role.
        1. Where an executive’s membership expires normally, they have fourteen (14) days to renew. Failing to do so will cause them to step down.
    3. Duties of the Committee Members
      1. The President is a Signatory and shall be the primary representative of the Guild. They shall act as the director working with the Secretary to ensure the smooth operation of the Guild and be the primary representative of the Guild when interacting with the public and other societies. The President shall, on behalf of the Committee, submit a report on the conduct of the affairs of the Guild at the Annual General Meeting and shall be Chairperson and preside at all meetings at which they are present.
      2. The Secretary is a Signatory and shall be the administrator of the Committee. They shall manage all executive members and communication amongst the Committee to ensure the smooth operation of the Guild. The Secretary shall act as the secondary representative of the Guild when interacting with the public and other societies, and they shall keep a record of all business transacted at meetings to present to ActivateUTS for re-affiliation.
      3. The Treasurer is a Signatory and shall be the bookkeeper of business when money is involved. They shall be the primary financial advisor for the Guild and work with the Committee to ensure the smooth operation of the Guild. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Guild and deposit them in the Guild’s bank, pay accounts, and keep records of receipts and payments. They shall also present a statement of accounts at each regular meeting of the committee and shall present the Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for the preceding financial year to ActivateUTS within re-affiliation.
      4. The Events Master shall be the organiser of Guild events and work with the Committee to ensure the smooth operation of the Guild. They shall guarantee that all venues for Guild events are booked, organise any and all grants and equipment associated with the event, and draft rosters comprising of Committee members and other Officers for Guild events. The Events Master shall also, if necessary, liaise with ActivateUTS and the University as required for Guild events.
      5. The Producer shall be the manager of communication of the Committee to the members of the Guild, other societies, and the public and shall work with the Signatories to ensure the smooth operation of the Guild. They shall monitor and upkeep Guild social media platforms, supply photography and video production of the Guild, handle complaints and collect data from members of the Guild to better the Guild’s community. The Producer shall also act as a networker to build and maintain relationships formed by Guild and shall support the Guild with collaboration events, club opportunities, and sponsorships.
    4. Committee Meetings
      1. General club management, and decisions about club purchases, events, and other such matters, are to be conducted at Committee Meetings.
        1. These meetings are held to provide accountability to the decision making in the club, and to provide a way for general Members to provide feedback and learn about the actions and duties of the Committee.
      2. A Committee Meeting can be called by any Executive by serving notice to the other Executives of the place, time and date of the meeting.
      3. Quorum of a Committee Meeting is half (rounded up) of the total Committee. If a meeting fails to meet quorum, it will be dissolved and a new meeting will have to be called.
      4. Members of the Committee may attend Committee Meetings using telecommunication tools, such as Voice over IP systems, or phone call.
      5. As is for General Meetings, the President shall act as chairperson for the meeting, and shall refrain from voting except when breaking ties. Should the President be absent, a member shall be chosen by resolution of the Committee.
      6. The Secretary shall take minutes of Committee Meetings. Should the Secretary be absent, the Chairperson shall choose a Committee Member to take minutes in their stead.
        1. After a Committee Meeting, minutes shall be uploaded to the club wiki.
    1. Non-Executive Officers
      1. Non-Executive Officers may be instated to or stood down from their positions at any time by motion of the Committee.
      2. Non-Executive Officers may voluntarily resign their position by lodging written notice of such resignation with the Secretary, in the event of the Secretary’s absence notice may be lodged with the President.
    2. Lieutenants
      1. Guild Lieutenants are Guild Members selected and empowered by the Committee that are responsible for the execution of Guild Events and the safety of the Guild and its equipment during Events.
      2. Lieutenants are responsible for making sure members follow the Rules and Regulations.
      3. Lieutenants have the right to disallow access to club bookings or equipment to any attendee who breaches the Rules and Regulations.
    3. Specialists
      1. Guild Specialists are Guild Members selected and empowered by the Committee that make their skills available to the Guild for the purposes of designing promotional material, maintaining or assembling the Guild’s equipment or for some other specific task decided by the Committee.
      2. Specialists are responsible for completing tasks set by the Committee within the time periods set by the Committee.
      3. Where necessary Specialists are empowered to act as Lieutenants to ensure the smooth running of club events.
    1. Members
      1. The Guild has the following membership requirements:
        1. All Members must have paid any and all Guild dues.
        2. All Members must have successfully completed Induction.
        3. All Members must follow Guild Rules and Regulations.
        4. All Members must be at least 16 years of age or be a Student.
        5. All Members must not have been previously expelled from or refused membership in the Guild unless they have gained special leave from a General Meeting to (re)join the Guild.
      2. Committee members reserve the right to refuse membership. Special leave allowing a refused applicant to join may be sought from any General Meeting. If the members present at the General Meeting pass a special resolution in favour of allowing the refused applicant to join, they may join as per normal procedure.
      3. Membership of any member may be terminated by:
        1. Lodging written notice of resignation with the Secretary;
        2. Ceasing to be a financial member;
        3. Expulsion by the Committee; or
        4. Expulsion by ActivateUTS or UTS for misconduct.
    1. Finance
      1. The Financial year shall commence the first day of the month after the deadline for re-affiliation with ActivateUTS.
      2. The President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Guild shall be ex officio Trustees of the Guild and the property of the Guild shall be deemed to be vested in them in trust for the members of the Guild, and they shall deal with the property of the Guild as directed from time to time by the Committee.
        1. Any action, suit or other proceeding may be taken or brought on behalf of the Guild by and in the names of the Trustees. The Trustees, or any two of them, are hereby empowered to sign, seal and otherwise execute and complete all debentures, securities, leases and other documents required to be executed to effectuate any dealings with the Guild’s property or any transaction in connection with the Guild’s affairs which have been authorised by the Committee.
      3. The Trustees shall open and maintain, in the name and on behalf of the Guild, an account at a branch approved by ActivateUTS Activities Office.
      4. Funds shall not be drawn except by cheque or orders signed by two Trustees, or the CEO of ActivateUTSwho may act as sole signatory on all accounts.
    1. Rules and Regulations
      1. The behaviour of club members is governed by the Club Rules and Regulations as detailed below.
        1. In the event of a disagreement with the interpretation of the Rules and Regulations, the Committee’s resolved interpretation shall hold.
      2. The Rules and Regulations are as follows:
        1. A Lieutenant or Committee Member is required any time Club equipment or externally owned equipment is being used.
        2. The Club will not sanction an event that does not have a Lieutenant or Committee Member present.
        3. Members are responsible for any equipment they use.
          1. All equipment is to be returned after use.
          2. Until equipment is returned, it remains the responsibility of the Member that last used it.
        4. Members are responsible for the proper disposal of their litter.
        5. Committee members have the right to restrict attendance at events to Club members only
          1. Committee members and Lieutenants reserve the right to disallow access to club bookings or
            equipment to any attendee.
        6. Members are to behave in a proper fashion at all times.
          1. Lieutenants, Specialists or Committee Members retain the final say on what is considered improper behaviour.
    2. Disciplining of a Member
      1. The Committee may expel a member of the Guild if, in their opinion, the member has either refused to comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Guild, has acted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Guild, or has brought the Guild into disrepute.
        1. A resolution to expel a member must be passed by three-fourths of those voting and shall not be considered unless the member concerned has been given written notice detailing the nature of the charge, at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Committee meeting at which the resolution is to be considered.
        2. A member facing discipline proceedings shall be entitled to attend the Committee meeting at which the resolution is to be considered or may submit a written statement to be tabled at the meeting in answer to the charge.
        3. If the Committee resolves to expel the member, the member shall cease to be a member of the Guild from the date of resolution and shall not be permitted to rejoin the Guild without special leave. The expelled member will be given written notice as to the Committee’s decision.
        4. An expelled member may seek special leave to rejoin the Guild at any General Meeting. If the members present at a General Meeting pass a special resolution granting the expelled member leave to rejoin, the expelled member may become a member of the Guild again by following relevant procedures to become a Member.
    1. Constitutional Changes
      1. Amendments to this Constitution may be made by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members at  a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose of amending this Constitution.
      2. Notice of motion concerning any such amendment shall be lodged with the Secretary at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of such meeting.
      3. Details of any amendment to be raised at a Special General Meeting shall be given to the Activities Office of the ActivateUTS as per their requirements for notice.
        1. Details of any amendment that has been duly approved by the members shall be given to the Activities Office of the ActivateUTS no more than seven (7) days of such amendment being adopted.
    1. De-affiliation
      1. The Club may only de-affiliate from ActivateUTS as a result of improper or other action prompting ActivateUTS to de-affiliate from the Guild.
      2. Upon de-affiliation, a Special General Meeting shall be called to re- organize the structure of the Guild so that it continues to exist as a separate entity, provided that the motion of re-organisation is supported by three-fourths of the members present.
      3. Upon re-structuring, the Guild shall appoint an Administrator, who will negotiate with ActivateUTS the terms of de-affiliation, including the repayment of any money owed, the designation or purchasing of any equipment purchased using ActivateUTS funding, or any other order of business raised by either ActivateUTS or the Guild.
      4. If the Guild does not choose to restructure the Guild will dissolve according to section 9.2.
    2. Dissolution
      1. The Guild may be dissolved by resolution at a Special General Meeting, provided that the motion of dissolution is supported by three-fourths of the members present.
      2. Upon dissolution, all funds and properties of the Guild shall henceforth be vested in ActivateUTS, which shall proceed to complete any outstanding business of the Guild