- Sign Ups
- Fireside
- Sponsorship Deals
- O’Day
- Follow Up Events
- Fleet Status
- Future Events
- Weekly Events
- The Culling and Recruiting of Lieutenants and Specialists
- Important Discussion
Meeting Start: 1:17pm
- Kieren Sambaiah
- Zeki Ahmet
- Dale Grant
- Zac Gachon
- Vivianne Neal
- Stefan Okzak
- Robert Norman (Left at 2:16pm)
- Max Schulzer (Left at 2:48pm)
- Grant Collins
- Jessica Dodaro (Enters at 1:55pm and left at 3:30pm)
Sign Ups
- Qpay will be a useful tool for getting/ organising tickets for future events
- Need to talk to activate about about Qpay
- Issue regards with security and the public coming in
- Idea is to have Fireside members signup as it would be cheaper and easier
- To be discussed with Fireside coordinator later
- Change the ‘learn more’ link so that it redirects to the EGG website
Sponsorship Deals
- Waiting a response from Shopping Express
- Also have talked to various other companies and organisations
- Follow up events should be free
- O’Day is Thursday 28th Feb
- Sort out goodie bags and have them EGG personalised
- Investigated whether Red Bull can set up shop with us
- Have membership cards sorted
- Need to have new 2019 member ship cards
- Idea is to just print on paper and laminate it
- Idea to have a QR code on the card for quick access to the EGG website
- Have a work roster for the whole day
- Have posters and flyers for the follow up events
- Need to book the space/ attempt to get the good space
- If we get that place we should set up the VR, some consoles, Magic and some of the fleet
- Set up SMASH, Tricky Towers, Overcooked 2, Battle Block Brigade, Mario Kart 8
Follow Up Events
- Welcome LAN
- Will occur on the weekend on the 2nd and 3rd
- Basic tournaments and possible collaboration with Sydney SMASH
- Make sure to have lots of social games
- Possible games for the event: Jackbox, Beat Saber, Heroes of Hammerwatch
- Idea is to run the stream during the LAN
- Possible newbie Sydney SMASH event
- Need to recruit some DMs for the day
- Work out when DMs are available
- Quest board is to be implemented for normal use
- Megunegg
- Possible future non-electronic event on 9th or 10th
- Snacks like fairy bread
- Possible collaboration with chess
- Newbie Fight Club
Fleet Status
- Should be fixed before O’Day
- Still need to return some invoices
Future Events
- Australia Day LAN
- Simple free LAN
- Various Australian games
- Possible future League of Legends event with the other universities with Shopping Express
- Geek Trivia
- Invite Anime, Drawing Circle, Mahjong and possibly the events management society
- Possibly advertise Geek Trivia at O’Day
Weekly Events
- Idea to change Monday events to Wednesday
- Idea to standardize the event start times around 4pm and have setup begin at 3pm
- Exception for Friday Consoles on the Concourse and possibly weekends they will start at 12pm
- Tuesday SMASH and LAN, Magic Wednesday, Tabletop Thursday, Friday Consoles and Chillout, Roleplay Saturday, Non-electronic Sunday
- Table set up may be different each event, reminder to reorganise the tables to the correct position
The Culling and Recruiting of Lieutenants and Specialists
- Idea to have 2 tiers of specialists, this is to be brought up in a future SGM
- Nick Seedo, Edward Sue, Windy, Stuart is to be purged from lieutenant
- Vote to remove the following people from the role of lieutenant
- Amount Voting: 5
- For: 4
- Against: 0
- Abstain: 1
- The above motion has been passed, they have been removed from the position of lieutenant
- Amount Voting: 5
Important Discussion
- The fridge and bin needs to be discussed with Activate
- Meeting minutes and the Constitution will be moved to the Egg website via WordPress
- The Dropbox will be organised throughout the year
- Stocktake will be updates so that it’s a proper spreadsheet stocktake
- Sideroom roleplay information can be on the forum as well as on the quest board
- The Idea for a informational board in the form of a tavern quest board in the club room so that people know what’s going on