Date: 10th October 2020
- Weekly Events
- Minecraft Monday
- Shopping Express
- Peripherals
- Warhammer
- Karl Martin
- Aabhii Taneja
- Jordan Supramaniam
- Vivianne Neal
- Matthew Henry
Meeting Start: 3:03
- Weekly events
- Among us: 15 people overall
- Lol got 3
- Fall guys nobody
- Minecraft Monday
- Will go ahead on 19th
- SGU logo may need changing
- 8pm start
- Keyboard from Shopping express
- Can be used as a prize or keep it
- Buying peripherals
- Going for keyboards and mice
- Haven’t herd back from activate for grant
- Getting keyboard and mice as a set
- Make things easier for us to recognise, readier repairs
- Looking at getting Cougar Deathfire EX but will check with other specialists first
- Warhammer
- Some of the lieutenants want to run Warhammer and have given us a parts proposal
- Total estimated cost at $282
- Motion to approve the proposal.
- Votes for: 4 against: 0 Abstain:1
- Motion passed
- Activate overriding our constitution might not be legal
- Emma has asked that people voice their concerns to her.
Meeting End: 3:53