Date: 12/12/2020
- The puchase of vaious Warhammer items
- Math soc payment
- Smash
- Aabhii Taneja
- Jordan Supramaniam
- Vivianne Neal
- Daniel Hamilton-smith
- Matthew Henry
- Karl Martin
Meeting Start: 3:01
- Financial report
No purchases made.
- Weekly events
7 attended IRL
LOL and 100% orange juice no attendance.
5 Minecraft
- Jacobs Warhammer stuff
$250 for various terrain objects.
3 for 2 abstain
- Math soc payment
$48.72 Will be paid this week as previously agreed upon.
- Smash
Next year 2 February is a preliminary date.
no specified restriction but high restrictions expected.
- Late events
2nd and 4th week of each month submit the proposal asap
will Externals be allowed for late events?
HH is our preferred room
- Other execs to run events
Daniel will run a valorant event.
Meeting End: 3:29