Date: 15th August 2020
- Financial report
- Weekly events
- Fall guys
- Surveys
- Inter-uni events
- Red bull
- Karl Martin
- Aabhii Taneja
- Jordan Supramaniam
- Vivianne Neal
- Matthew Henry
Meeting Start: 3:01
- Financial report
- No monetary changed
- Weekly events
- Space engineers 1
- Terraria 0
- Jackbox didn’t runt
- If we don’t gent numbers we can switch games
- Payday 2
- May not have a big player base
- Don’t starve together
- Payday 2
- 8 people at the on-campus event
- Will make a qr code for people to scan in person
- Fall guys
- Can have a one-time event or weekly event
- Could potentially get if for club
- Do a survey to find out what people want
- Survey to find out what games people want in general and what the best days to run events on
- Jordan will make the general one
- Matt will make ones for specific games
- General form needs to be released first
- Inter-uni events
- IO Night 3rd September
- Terraria continues weekly on Sunday
- Valorant USYD 14th September
- Minecraft Monday 21st
- Red bull
- Potential deal
- They are also doing a deal with a nearby gaming café which could lead to a joint livestream.
- Viv to organise a meeting.
Meeting End: 3:28