Date: 16th May 2020
- Weekly events
- Geek trivia
- Karl Martin
- Aabhii Taneja
- Jordan Supramaniam
- Vivianne Neal
Meeting Start: 3:00
- Weekly events
- Someone needs to takeover Wednesday jackox
- Ask lieutenants if they are able to run jackbox
- More minigames have been added to the Minecraft server
- Invite SUCOGS to Minecraft
- Smash had regulars turn up
- No idea how Matt’s events went
- Someone needs to takeover Wednesday jackox
- SGU TF2 night
- Had good attendance, not sure if people from out club went
- Geek trivia
- Will have to be at end of semester 2
- People have said they are interested but we have not moved forward with any planning
Meeting End: 3:15