Date: 18th April 2020
- Survey Results
- Lieutenants using steam accounts
- Weekly events recap
- Inter uni collaboration
- Lieutenant application
- Vivianne Neal
- Aabhii Taneja
- Karl Martin
- Matthew Henry
Meeting Start: 3:07
- Survey results
- Varied results
- We should se if we can do anything board game related online
- Lieutenants using our steam accounts for their own purpose
- We will allow it
- Weekly events recap
- Minecraft too hard to pay for
- Have to wait until some lockdown restrictions are relaxed
- Sunday fortnightly switch between civ 5 and gmod
- Minecraft too hard to pay for
- Inter uni stuff
- TF2 next Friday
- Making the logo is taking time
- Lieutenant application
- Will do an interview
Meeting End: 3:57