Date: 19th September 2020
- Finance
- Weekly Events
- Inter-Uni Events
- Inter-Club Events
- Constitution Changes
- Sydney Smash
- Karl Martin
- Aabhii Taneja
- Jordan Supramaniam
- Vivianne Neal
- Matthew Henry
Meeting Start: 2:58
- Finance
- No transactions
- Weekly events
- LOL got 8
- Golf with friends got 5
- Did among us after and got 10
- Fall guys didn’t run
- Friday on campus had about 10 people
- Pack up ran late
- Time limit needs to be enforced
- Inter-Uni events
- Minecraft on Monday this week
- Valorant tournament
- We will try to get a team
- We will put out a form to find out if people are interested
- Inter-club
- Puzzle Soc wants to do a murder mystery puzzle night
- After end of semester
- Maths society, Literature society also involved
- Constitution Changes for AGM
- AGM to be amended so that it can be held online if necessary but keep the no voting by proxy rule.
- A line has been drafted and will be finalised before the cut-off date
- Sydney Smash
- Still unable to hold smash events
- We should let them know we have not forgotten about them.
Meeting End: 3:22