- Kieren Sambaiah
- Karl Martin
- Matthew Henry
- Jordan Supramaniam
- Aabhii Taneja
- Vivianne Neal
- Zeki Ahmet (arrived at 10:25am)
- Constitutional Changes
- Key Handover
- Summer Events
- End of Sem LAN Report
- Stream Announcements
- Future Events
- Sydney SMASH
- Usage Guidelines
- Stream Rebranding
- Cognitive Gaming
- Mountain Dew
- Lieutenants
Meeting Start: 10:18am
Constitutional Changes
- Update the Constitution to remove references to the Vice President
- Idea to have it next year as it will be difficult to fit it in this year
Key Handover
- Keys will be handed over at the end of the year
- Should give a key to Jacob T. as he will be living in housing next year and is going/staying in the room more often
Summer Events
- Idea to move Consoles to Building 2 during the summer
- Taking a look at the timetables, Thursdays are the best day to have the event
- Library Play Day later next year
- They want us to setup some party games and a Switch for the event
- Elisha is in charge of it and they are in charge of Building 2 bookings
End of Sem LAN Report
- Games that popped off
- Civ 5
- Minecraft
- Things that didn’t work
- Tournaments need to be marketed better/ advertised more
- This can be improved by announcing what will be on in the morning
- Tournaments need to be marketed better/ advertised more
Stream Announcements
- Stream announcements are being posted in both Announcements and Stream Announcement channels
- Idea to either remove the Stream Announcement channel or actually separate them
Future Events
- Revisit at the start of next year
Sydney SMASH
- Renegotiate the SMASH deal next year
Usage Guidelines
- No set guideline, it’s case by case
- Reduce the amount of pinging done in channels
- This can be achieved by giving those who want the announcements a server role
- Idea to have a server a role to pin people with keys to the room
Stream Rebranding
- Need to update the stream for GG, both software and hardware
Cognitive Gaming
- Mutual agreement to promote each other
- Idea to have meet up with them next year
- Possible club collab with them
Mountain Dew
- Sponsorship-like Agreement
- We need more lieutenants
- Less than 5 actual decent lieutenants
- Potential candidates
- Karl
- Claire
- Alex
Meeting End: 11:50am