Date: 23rd February 2020
- Launch parties
- Printer issues
- Old Domain names
- GGXP update
- Trivia with robosoc
- Lieutenants day debrief
- O’Day
- Good Games
- NFC cards
- ACEDC debrief
- Vivianne Neal
- Karl Martin
- Aabhii Taneja
- Jordan Supramaniam
Meeting Start: 8:13
- Launch parties
- Could do it as just a highlighted game at a LAN or consoles
- Animal crossing
- Friday 20th march
- Have it a focus game at consoles
- Then make chillout the main launch party
- Motion that the club will buy animal crossing
- For: 3 Against: 0 Abstain: 1
- Motion passed
- Printer
- Needs paper
- Ink cartridge may need to be replaced
- Instagram
- Could be a good marketing tool
- Aabhii’s job to make
- Old domain name and emails
- We don’t need the website domain name anymore
- We do need the old email because people are still sending emails to EGG
- GGXP update
- We will Collab with anime to bring boardgames and majhong to bring a table.
- Need to confirm the concourse has been booked
- Proposal has been given to activate
- Viv and Jordan will work on proposal for shopping express due Friday
- Viv will finish floor plan
- Karl will work on overall setup guide
- Robosoc trivia
- We have a busy month and the event seems rushed so we will probably say no
- Lieutenants day
- Only Daniel and Asuma and Karl came
- Covered stream stuff mostly
- Future days will have 2 sections
- Stuff for new people section
- Stuff for everyone including old people section (guidelines stuff)
- Jordan still working on updating guidelines
- Oday
- Jacob will be able to print stuff and have it on Tuesday
- Will print out the logos ourselves
- Pick up the laptops for welcome Lan on Tuesday
- We get a tablecloth
- Bring some minatures and stick them to the table
- Sign for gaming area
- NFC cards on the table
- Put the lanyards and some pens in the bags
- Buy a couple of bags of lollies
- Viv and Karl go talk to other clubs during lunch
- Tell people to access discord via website
- Good Games
- Just one-off things
- Haven’t done much promotion of each other in the last year
- Leave Good Games on hold for now
- NFC cards
- Tape a piece of paper on
- Aabhii needs to design a cover
- Need to give us a brief on how to use them
- Need to make a QR code for both website and video
- ACEDC debrief
- Separate document will all the notes from the event
Meeting End: 10:03