Date: 25th July 2020
- Finance
- Re-affiliation
- Stocktake
- Weekly events
- Fake LAN
- Zeeps
- Masks
- Karl Martin
- Aabhii Taneja
- Vivianne Neal
- Matthew Henry
- Jordan Supramaniam
Meeting Start: 3:02
- Finance
- Matt has collected receipts and loose change from the Harry Heath room.
- 6 outstanding payments have been made
- Re-affiliation
- All payments need to be allocated to the right accounts and balance sheet should auto format.
- Need an event list that have associated perchance
- Need membership list
- Stocktake
- Hold it at the end of the semester
- Weekly events
- Terraria 7 people (+exec)
- Space engineers 3 (+exec)
- Jackbox 6 people
- Irl Thursday NEG 6 people
- Irl Friday Co-op 7 people
- Activate cleaning kit – gloves, hand sanitiser, alcohol wipes, social distancing posters, even sign in. Will give us masks next time.
- Next IRL event will use SignupGenius for bookings. (Friday 31st)
- Terraria event tomorrow
- Minecraft 3rd august
- Aabhii will make promotional material after meeting.
- Fake LAN
- 8th, 9th August
- Events schedule will be in sheets document.
- Zeeps
- Need to find his full name and confirm that he is not a current financial member.
- Cancelling order to buy masks:
- For: 3 Against: 0 Abstain: 1
Meeting End: 3:55