Date: 3rd March 2020
- Stickers
- Betrayal Expansion
- Lan Debrief
- Communication
- GGXP update
- Vivianne Neal
- Karl Martin
- Aabhii Taneja
- Jordan Supramaniam
Meeting Start: 9:03
- Stickers
- Give out as part of oday pack possible
- Stickers could be used for people to wear of put on student card etc.
- Do membership cards and have a sticker on the card indicating which year
- Need to check if can use different designs in the same order
- Betrayal Expansion
- Good game to get
- Need to check with shopping express if they have a copy
- Bring a copy to ggxp if they have one
- Update: they don’t have it.
- We will buy a copy
- Lan debriefs
- Laptops weren’t setup on Saturday
- Not enough photos were taken
- All the exec needs to take photos
- Some new people came
- Communication
- We complete forgot that we approved Steffy to maintenance on the weekend, but we planned the welcome lan for the same weekend and NOBODY NOTICED
- Bookings for events need to be done as we plan them and not the week before
- Causes stress
- Documentation not finished yet
- Safety 95% done (Casper check)
- Setup – 70% done
- Inventory is done
- Documentation not finished yet
Meeting End: 10:15