- Tech update
- O’Day
- Bank update
- Machi koro expansion
- Karl Martin
- Aabhii Taneja
- Jordan Supramaniam
- Vivianne Neal
- Matthew Henry
Meeting Start: 3:03
- Viv will talk to Steffy and find out where tech is up to
- O’day
- Kmart hessian bags 8 for $4
- 3 copies of the flyers in A3 to have at booth and make the other copies A6 for the bags.
- Enlist lieutenants to help pack bags
- Need to make roster for O’day
- Need to be there early on O’day
- Pack up will probably be extremely crowded at the HH room
- Jordan is injured so will send floor plan to Viv to work on
- Need pre- event and post event proposals. Plan for even/reflection of event.
- Need setup documentation for GGXP
- Maybe have guitar hero if Matt is able to bring
- Set up collaborative google slides to do the documentation that we can all work on.
- All of us need to work on each of the documentation
- Consoles documentation
- Pre-event – Viv
- Setup documentation – Karl
- Post event – Jordan
- Bank stuff hasn’t appeared on our CommBank accounts yet. Need to wait until bank has done it.
- Need to send sponsorship agreement to Emma to look over and check legal.
- Machi Koro expansion packs
- 5th anniversary expansion – harbor, millionaire
- $49 For:4 Against: 0 Abstain: 1
Meeting End: 4:08