- Events
- Website
- O’Day
- 2018 AEL University Cup
- Lieutenant Vote
- Activate Forms (Camps and Seminar)
- Robert Norman
- Karl Meyer-Cuthbert
- Nicholas Haikalis
- Grant Collins
- Alexander Tunstell
- Jessica Dodaro
- Cameron Leedman
- Elijah Shervey (Enters at 2:30pm)
- Zeki Ahmet (Enters at 2:33pm)
Meeting Start: 2:25pm
- Karl needs to make posters for Welcome LAN, LOL Welcome event and Geek Trivia
- We may try to get other societies involved
- Bawlhalla tournament is trying to be organised in April. We are interested in running this event
- Geek Trivia may be run after mid semester break on May the 4th
- Microsoft needs a date to meet people to organise a day time to meet them
- Possible changes
- Point system that can be used for purchases
- EGG achievements
- Events manager plugin to get into events
- A connection with facebook and discord through the website
- Jetpack will possibly be a better system to run off to spread information
- Instagram may be a plugin that will cost money. Creating an account will be better to post pictures and people can post tags on our pictures to share photos of our events
- A ticketing system will work to help people make suggestions for events to us
- Transitioning wiki contents to the main website
- Mailchimp is where we look to transition to for website hosting
- All this can be implemented into the test website
- Everything is on the O’Day chat
- Nicholas must follow up with activate to see if we have room to do our plans
- Ask good games if they have play mats
- We need to organise banners, especially a website banner
2018 AEL University Cup
- $15,000 prize pool
- Dota, Rocket League and CSGO will be ran
- Individual teams declare which university they are with
- We can send as many teams as we like
- Advertise this event to club members to help them form teams
Lieutenant Vote
- She has helped before
- Vote
- Yes: 6
- No: 0
- Abstain: 1
- Amy is now a lieutenant
Activate Forms (Camp and Seminar)
- Nicholas, Elijah and Alex will go to the Club day seminar
- Camp form will be filled out as Karl is the first option
Meeting End: 3:27pm