- Organising O’Day
- Post O’Day Events
- Security Issues and New Registration System
Meeting Start: 9:40 am
- Vivianne Neal
- Zeki Ahmet
- Dale Grant
- Karl Martin
Organising O’Day
- Minimum one exec at the space at all times
- If we have a space for set ups then the idea is to have one person manning the VR, two people on Fleet/ Console set up, two people on boardgames and card games
- Pending idea to have a runner to go from the room to the stall
- If we don’t have the space then we can do a Non-electronic gaming setup where there is maybe one or two people to look after the stall
- Zeki will make announcement about gathering lieutenants and will note them down in a google doc
- Budget depends heavily on the size of the bag and the amount we want to fill them
- O’Day/ Clubs Day $100 grant is the start (this can be used for the bags)
- Reminder to request the O’Day grant if needed
- The current base/idea for the budget is $200 (including grant)
- Pretty flexible budget but it shouldn’t exceed $400
- Idea is to come in a day before O’Day to assemble the goodie bags
- Reminder to add flyers about the post O’day events
- 2019 stickers could be found in reject stores or dollar stores
- Red Jacob can print out posters, however, we need to check whether he can get it done before O’Day
- Make an announcement to ask for volunteers to help make poster designs
- Subject of the posters
- Weekly Events
- How to get to the Harry Heath Room
- Post O’Day events
- Need to figure out a way to do sign ups
- Need to ask Activate if we are allowed to use another PayPal account so that when people try to pay with physical money we instead can pay for them however we will advertise on and before O’Day that you cannot pay with physical money
- Subject of the posters
Post O’Day Events
- Good idea to have one of the exec primarily overlooking the event
- Newbies Roleplay Day
- Viv will oversee the event
- It will be set on the Friday 1st of March
- Still need to look for DMs
- Geale has volunteered to host/oversee the event
- Event will officially begin at 3 and will end around 7
- Will be set the weekend after O’Day on the 2nd March
- Basically have people run/ monitor certain board games
- Newbies HS Event
- Probably have it on Sunday 3rd March after or during MEGANEG
- Talk with Andy
- Newbies SMASH
- Work with Sydney SMASH/ SMASH Starforge
- Need to talk with Dan about when it should be
- Idea to have it on Tuesday 5th March instead of the regular tournament
- Welcome LAN
- Idea to have it on the weekend of the 9th and 10th March
- Issue with Summerfest being on Friday 8th
- Another issue is that the room has been booked out from the 6th to the 10th
- Need to ask Activate about it
Security Issues and New Registration System
- The plugin is incredibly useful and will be a good investment
- Talk to Grant for more details about getting it
Meeting End: 12:16pm