Meeting Start: 8:18 pm
- Kieren Sambaiah
- Zeki Ahmet
- Zachary Gachon
- Dale Grant
- Vivianne Neal
- Update
- Meeting minutes are awaiting approval thus the changes are waiting for approval
- A base design for geek trivia questions/ presentation need to be done
- Viv will help design it, Keiren will help gather questions
- Keiren will also work on getting the joint grant working
- Bar Tab is almost ready to be sent in, needs double checking afterwards
- Zeki will work on planning/ organising the lieutenant roster and the showcase during geek trivia
- Banner designs will be ready in the following week
- New website will be bought in the following week
- Lieutenant training day is progressing well
- 4 aspiring lieutenants are participating
Meeting End: 8:49 pm