- O’Day
- Getting New Board Games
- Storage
- Event Renaming
- Future Events
- Domain Names and Website
- Budget and Computers
- Robert Norman
- Cameron Leedman
- Maximilian Schulzer
- Karl Meyer-Cuthbert
- Nicholas Haikalis
- Alexander Tunstell
- Jessica Dodaro
- Grant Collins
- Elijah Shervey
Meeting Start: 2:20pm
- 1st of March
- Find out where our table will be
- Have a raffle for the AMD power banks every 10 minutes to hit peak hour
- Request a possible CPU or Graphics card for an end of the day raffle win
- Request to Activate that we are next to the Good Game stall
- We want to set up one or two VR system for the day and we need people to manage them
- We should have one tablet and two laptops for signups
- Ask Andrea about operating a Hearthstone tavern
- We need to figure out shirt designs and a new poster design. KARL PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS
- Figure out how many people can have at our stall
- Create goodie bags and print them
Getting New Board Games
- Boulderdash
- Betrayal Expansion
- Mansions of Madness
- Monopoly
- The union is handling the side storage cupboard
- We can move the bottom shelf of the main cupboard to store drinks underneath the games
Future Events
- Revamp League Mondays and have it grow again by Alex and Elijah
- Revamp Board Game Thursdays. We should prioritize board games
- We could organise board games on the concourse. Find out how hard it is to organise it on Thursday nights
- We can let people bring their laptops if they want to play electronic games but not let people use our board games
- Training in how to set up VR and other devices and activities
- Welcome events after O’Day
Domain Names and Website
- We should look to get the domain to redirect to
- We want to keep and lose egg.uts
- Look at moving to engine or staying on WordPress
- Get all minutes and files backed up from our server
- Alex leaves at 4:07pm
Budget and Computers
- One computer is totally dead
- One computer is not booting properly
- Rob has to look at finances for buying new computer parts
- Look further into doing more Bunnings sausage sizzles to make money. They take bookings 3 months in advance.
- We should be getting more drinks
- External signups are charged $20 more than students ($25)
Meeting End: 4:18pm