Hey again everyone,
Nominations are in, and I’ve got to announce the nominations, agenda and voting procedures, so here we go.
Nominations for the 2018 exec positions are as follows:
- Jian Carlo De Stefano
- Elijah Shervey
- Karl Meyer-Cuthbert
- Nicholas Haikalis
- Nicholas Haikalis
- Robert Norman
- Nicholas Haikalis
- Jessica Dodaro
- Cameron Leedman
- Elijah Shervey
- Nicholas Haikalis
- Karl Meyer-Cuthbert
There are no nominees for Competitive Events Master, so one round of nominations will be taken from the floor and voted up as detailed below. The position will be treated as if it has already received a “no” result on its first round of voting.
These are the nominees that will be voted for on the night. If people seriously object to these candidates (a vote of “no” in a given nomination), there will be some opportunity on the night for a second round of nomination. I’ll cover how this will work a little more below.
The agenda for the night will be as follows:
- An attendance and membership check, followed by an acknowledgement of quorum
- A review and acceptance of the minutes from the last AGM
- A yearly report from and brief questioning period for each of the exec
- Election of the 2018 executive team
The AGM will be followed by another meeting, allowing discussion with the new exec on the direction of the club for the 2018 year.
The voting procedure for each position will be as follows:
The following positions are “required positions”
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
The following positions are “optional positions”
- Vice-President
- Events Master
- Quartermaster
- PR Master
- Competitive Events Master
The nominees will each answer the questions that had been submitted in advance of the AGM (you can send those through now, now that we have nominees for those positions)
- The nominees will then be sent out of the room while the room discusses the candidates.
- The options for voting will consist of each candidate, and a vote of “no” for all candidates. Abstaining can be done by not filling in any options or declining a ballot sheet.
- You will be able to sequentially number the voting options by your preference, with a “1” indicating most preferred option.
- Standard preferential voting procedure will then be used to narrow down the voting options to 2, after which the option with a simple majority will be declared the result of the vote. To be clear, this means that an abstain vote completely removes you and your vote from the voting procedure.
- Ordinarily, the chairperson will abstain from voting, however, in the case of a tie between two options, the chairperson will cast their vote to tiebreak.
A result of “no” for all candidates will result in the following:
- If the vote is for a required position, nominations will be taken from the floor, and voted upon. This will continue in this manner until the position is filled.
- If the vote is for an optional position, nominations will be taken from the floor and voted upon only once. A second result of “no” will result in the position going unfilled.
Questions for the candidates to answer on the night are to be sent through to the secretary’s email address, secretary@egg.org.au
Sorry for this one going long, I had a bit to get through. See you all on the 20th!
Nathan Woods, Secretary