Date: 14th March
- Budget report
- Betrayal expansion
- T shirts
- Arcane Rising Flesh and Blood pre-release event
- Animal Crossing/Doom launch event
- Easter LAN
- One shot Roleplay day
- Sydney Smash
- RoboTrivia
- FEIT games day
- Karl Martin
- Aabhii Taneja
- Jordan Supramaniam
- Vivianne Neal
- Matthew Henry
Meeting Start: 3:03
- Budget report
- Only purchase the last week was the $10 computer part for Geralt
- Jacob will bring his betrayal expansion so we will hold off buying for now
- Big Day in has been cancelled due to Corona Virus
- T shirts
- Need to do more research
- Arcane Rising pre-release
- Starts at 1pm
- Setup from 12
- Shop size for need to ask Caspar
- Jordan doing floor plan
- Ask lieutenants if anyone wants to come
- Animal Crossing New Horizons /Doom Eternal launch party
- Buy animal crossing
- Buy doom
- Motion to Buy Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing New Horizons
- For: 3 Against: 0 Abstain 2
- Motion passed
- Karl will make Facebook event
- Easter Lan 10th 13th April
- Paid LAN
- $5 for one day and $10 for weekend
- Need to have a spreadsheet for people who paid
- Have a sign in desk
- Make a proposal for Emma and Caspar
- Easter egg hunt
- Allergies
- Choking hazard
- Sunday
- Need to make Runsheet and schedule of events
- One Shot roleplay day
- Saturday 18th March
- Building 11
- Free
- Announce looking for GMs start of April
- Sydney Smash
- Send activate code of conduct to Sydney Smash
- Smash players have to agree to it to play
- Robotrivia
- Meeting on Wednesday
- If they aren’t organised, then we pull out
- FEIT Games day
- May
- Wait for them to ask us
- Survey to find out what people want to play
- Viv will make it and send it out this week
Meeting End:4:08