- Purchases
- Change of Exec Roles
- Meeting with Casper
- Geek Trivia Feedback
- Upcoming Events
- Lieutenants
- Kieren Sambaiah
- Dale Grant
- Vivianne Neal
- Stefan Olczak
- Matthew Henry
- Zeki Ahmet
Meeting Start: 1:03pm
- Two Nintendo Switchs will greatly help
- Also a possibility to buy a second SMASH Ultimate to help congestion
- Magic playmats for the club will be useful
- Upgrades for the fleet
- Changing/updating to the new SSDs
- Should be done first
- They are $60 each, thus total is $600 purchase
- Graphics cards : RX 5700s
- Need 5 more as some of the fleet are dying/dead and need a new one
- ~$230 per unit
- Changing/updating to the new SSDs
Change of Exec Roles
- Producer handover
- Idea to have Matt be the Producer so that he can be taught the Treasurer roll as well for next year
- SGM need to be announced for the change over
- Set for 19th Monday 4pm
- Events Master now is responsible for writing up grants from now on
- They will get the receipts from the Treasurer
Meeting with Casper
- Run up sheets 30 min intervals
- This way we have an idea about what we are going do on the night
- Leave it behind for next execs so they have an idea of what to do
- Post event reviews
- What went wrong
- What went great
- What to change
- Again leaving it behind for next exec
- Data collection
- Who comes to weekly events regularly
- How long do they stay
- Get an idea of audiences and what they want
- Would be a good idea if we knew who comes to certain days meaning we can tailor events
- Check in and check out system
- Surveys
- What do people look forward to (incentives to have those filled out)
- Want them to be anon
Geek Trivia Feedback
- $800 on the Bar Tab left over
- Check-up on the bar tab often
- Have more breaks for marking and drink breaks
- Lock Boxes need to be managed better
- People should not be there too early
- Have the early ticket list early/prior to people coming to the event
- Writing up/ finalising the questions way earlier
- Give the marking team a printout of the answers
- Possible societies to bring next time
- ProgSoc
- UTS Quidditch
- Possibly make Trivia longer
- Make sure to include an AV person on site
- Better and early marketing
- More posters everyway/ a more physical present
- More digital present on site eg advertising on the displays
- Questions should be more available for the general audience and
- People like the exclusive booking
- The showcase booking needed to be marketed/ more out there
- A roster for looking after the showcases should be made
- Prizes should be overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd
- Shouldn’t be round base
Upcoming Events
- Football society has finally made the interclub agreement
- Marketing will happen soon
- Date to TBD
- Pay it forward week event collab with Big Lift
- Wednesday 28th August
- Society Games Day with RoboSoc
- Tuesday 24th September
- Uni Open Day for UTS
- Saturday 31st August
- Emma wants a 30 min demonstration with VR and a 30 min face to face interaction
- Powerup Day
- Thursday 19th September
- Idea to have a games corner
- Named Gamers Guild Gallery
- Clubs and Societies Week
- Thursday 22nd August
- Games Chill Corner
- Matthew Henry and Jordan Supramaniam
- Jordan is reliable and is quite charitable
- Amount Voting: 5
- For: 4
- Against: 0
- Abstain: 1
- Jordan is now a Lieutenant
- Amount Voting: 5
- Matthew is planned to be the next Treasurer and is quite reliable
- Amount Voting: 5
- For: 4
- Against: 0
- Abstain: 1
- Matt is now a Lieutenant
Meeting End: 2:48pm