Date: 22nd July 2020
- Room bookings
- Masks
- Karl Martin
- Aabhii Taneja
- Jordan Supramaniam
- Matthew Henry
Meeting Start: 1:36
- Room bookings
- Do we have people to supervise?
- Jordan will go there
- Thursday 24th
- Boardgames
- Magic
- Friday 25th
- Consoles
- 1-2 pc’s
- Jordan will draft announcement meeting
- Karl will make booking form
- Do we have people to supervise?
- Buy 10-20 pack of masks
- For: 3 Against: 0 Abstain: 1
- Motion passed
- Jordan will buy and send Matt bill.
- For: 3 Against: 0 Abstain: 1
Meeting End: 1:55