- O’day
- Nvidia
- Events
- Robert Norman
- Karl Meyer-Cuthbert
- Nicholas Haikalis
- Alexander Tunstell
- Jessica Dodaro
Meeting Start: 1:55pm
- Our request has been submitted to activate for what we want on the day
- This includes extra room for VR, signup, and gaming
- We will have it on the 28th of Feb
- We need to vote in a new president
- We have to follow activate rules on the night
- If any current exec roles become vacant on the night, then the position will remain vacant until the next GM and the next vote for the position
- We will also be voting to remove section 3.1.2 from our constitution in the next SGM because it is what caused issues in our last attempt for trustees to vote in a new president
- Nvidia has said they will provide their own laptops on any events that they will be running
- The Bunnings fundraiser plans have made no progress because we need volunteers
- Volunteers will get free food on the day
- Welcome LAN will need to be more involved to encourage people to play games and join in
- Grants work function (Gaming Night) is on the 3rd of Feb needs volunteers. It runs 7pm-Late. There will be some game comps and VR. Approx. 21 people going
Meeting End: 2:30pm